Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rare Afghan

-click to enlarge-

Shown is an afghan with scenes from the mid-20th century Baldwyn. Included is the old Caldwell Hospital, the domino parlor, a water tank, the old depot, Carrollville's Cox home, Brices' Crossroads, a Bearcat, and the old high school building. The colors are much brighter and vivid than shown in the photo.

This one was purchased several years ago during a project by the Baldwyn Woman's Club. They can get additional ones if enough requests are received for an order from the supplier.

We are not taking orders on the blog, only making people aware of the product and who to contact if you would like to obtain one. At present, no contact information has been given to us, but the Woman's Club will have an email address shortly for your inquiries. We will post it here on this article when it is received.

There are two of these available for purchase now at the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Baldwyn.


Cynthia said...

Is that the front or back of Caldwell Clinic on the afghan? I don't remember the front looking like that. Anyone remember?

Anonymous said...

I believe that is the front of the old hospital. However, the perspective is a little confusing because the oak trees are far too small and the wide sidewalk leading up to the front steps seems to be missing. Another clue is that the back of the hospital was a parking lot as I remember it.

Phil C

Anonymous said...

The cost is $50 for the afghan at FMB if anyone is interested.

Clarene Evans said...

This particular afghan in the picture is one I've had for a very long time. It's folded across the back of the sofa in my RV and is my road map back home. Each time I look at it, I am in Baldwyn again. There are so many priceless memories attached to the places depicted on the afghan such as the hospital where I had to go as a child to recover after getting hurt at school in the sixth grade, the water tower where I played as a child staying with my grandparents, (if you remember, they ran the water company), the domino parlor where I had my barber shop, "Clarene's Cuts" and cut hair for many years for $5.00 a pop, Baldwyn High School, the greatest school in the world where I got the best education possible, Brice's Crossroads where one summer during a re-enactment I fell in love with the sights and sounds of the era and later went on to publish a couple of small books using that as my background, the Confederate graves where I heard the cries of a young fallen soldier and shared that cry in a poem called Hallowed Ground Remembered, the Bearcat Mascot that brings back more memories than even I can relate, the Depot where my Mama, little brother Coleman and I caught a train bound for Mobile,Ala. in the middle of the night once, the Mockingbird who inspired me to read my favorite book, "To Kill a Mockingbird", (Oh, and I have a signed copy too, by the way), the magnolia flower that reminds me of the big Magnolia tree in front of the First Baptist Church where a lot of my friends and I played as children and last but not least in the center of the afghan is the picture of the old Cox Home that still stands to remind us all of our roots, Carrollville; the beginning of Baldwyn.

I was told that if there is enough response for the afghan, the Baldwyn Woman's Club will once again offer these wonderful priceless memories for anyone interested, but you have to let them know.

Now, I don't know about you, but for me, $50.00 was a small price to pay to be able to walk down the streets of my youth any time I feel that need and instantly be back home. Each time I wrap up in my afghan, the warmth and love of Baldwyn creeps back into my heart again, no matter where I am.... but you'll have to get your own if you want to experience that feeling for yourself, this one's NOT for sale at any price.