Shown above is the '62 'Cats and noted is their greatest feat for that season. If you need an ID for anyone, let us know.
In the lower photo are the ladies of the FHA for 1964. Sponsor Mrs. Brown is at upper left, second row down.
Top photo courtesy of Jim Miller; lower: Betty Massengill and Cynthia Mink.
In the lower photo are the ladies of the FHA for 1964. Sponsor Mrs. Brown is at upper left, second row down.
Top photo courtesy of Jim Miller; lower: Betty Massengill and Cynthia Mink.
Having about 4 good running backs, like this team did, makes a good team into an outstanding one.
This picture was taken in August 1961, so this is the 1961 Bearcats. So you are wrong again; Mickey Miller.
well-always right---not necessarily-none of these guys graduated until spring of 1962--so lets just call them the 1961-1962 bearcats--that way no one is wrong!!! im on ur side Mickey
This photo was published in the 1962 yearbook. So I'll correct my year.
Thanks for the info.
The guy behind 31 is Pat Cox. He was living in Kenosha, WI. in 1968.
Pat later moved back to Jackson, MS and worked for State Tax Commission.
Always Right!
I'll bet you are not!
Technically these are 1962 Bearcats owing to the year of their graduation and they are Bearcats, ALWAYS. You are correct in that they are 1961 football season Bearcats.
You and the writers are both correct.
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