-click to enlarge-Queen: Gail Grisham; Escort: Harold McMillan.
Senior Maid: Jackie Roberts; Escort: Jim Miller.
Junior Maid: Jane Goodson; Escort: Johnny Roberts.
Sophomore Maid: Judy Prather; Escort: Gary Harp.
Freshman Maid: Linda Dobbs; Escort: Larry McKay.
Identical photos submitted by Jim Miller, Cynthia Mink and Betty Massengill. Thanks all.
Happy looking group. Whatever happened to Harold and Gerald McMillan?
Happy and wonderful! What happened to the effervescent Gail Grisham? Beautiful gal!
Gerald McMillan passed away at a very young age. Harold lives somewhere in Tupelo. I see him occasionally and he appears to be a very unhappy person!
What has happened to Linda Dobbs?
To Anonymous: When you wrote your comment about Gerald McMillan being dead and Harold McMillan being a very unhappy person what kind of dope were you doing? Gerald McMillan is very much alive and lives in Dallas, Texas. You probably do see me occasionly in Tupelo and if I don't look happy when you see me it is probably because I personally do not like you. I am a very happy person and I do like about everybody that I meet. By the way, Anonymous, get your facts straight before you start spreading lies about anyone else! Harold L. McMillan
Thanks for the correct information on Gerald. I have been trying to verify the incorrect report of his death in order to add his name to the memorial list.
Good to hear from you!
Reminds me of Mark Twain's famous quote, "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
I always liked both the McMillan boys. Although they had entirely different personalities, each was a delight to be around. Glad both are still alive and well. Too many of us are leaving this planet as it is, good to see that you boys are not among the numbers.
Thank you Clarene for the kind comments. I would like to thank Carl Houston for the Bearcat Blog and for your work on it too. I've traveled a lot in my lifetime and when I am asked "Where do you hail from?", I am proud to say Baldwyn, Mississippi. When they ask "what is Baldwyn like? I just tell them that it's kinda like Mayberry on television.
Well, now I wonder who died and we don't know it--- by the way -- hey Harold, good to hear from you!
John Melvin Duke
I hope Harold and Gerald are just as happy as Harold looks in th Homecoming Court photo.
I still remember comming to your home for our Cub Scout meetings when Gerald and I were about 8 years old. Evelyn Duke was very kind to us all. I also remember that your father sold us our first car. It was that blue 1957 oldsmobile. I also used to be your paper boy. I think that I used to take the paper to Carl Houston's home too. Glad to hear from you Melvin.
I made the previous comment,
I don't how it got marked anonymous.
Harold L. McMillan
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