Shown are some of our family and friends that were elected and served as officers in their respected positions of the Baldwyn Masonic Lodge and Order of the Eastern Star.
Photos from an old scrapbook donated by an anonymous supporter of the blog.
3 blogger momos in fine form. Never heard of the Town House in Baldwyn.
Or maybe 2 moms: Ms Duke and Green and one grandmom: Ms Lampkin.
Yeah! What was the "Town House"???
And whatever happened to Lowell Wallis? Did he become a lawyer in California?
Lowell Wallis: Was that "Snort" Wallis????
I believe Snort was Lowell's younger brother. Wallis is related to them and could bring us up to date.
I am related to them but after they left Baldwyn and I left Baldwyn I lost touch with all of them..To my knowledge there is no one left in the Baldwyn area that woudl know..They have all either died or moved off..Sorry can't help
Must be time for Milton to dig...
Wasn't "Snort" Holland?
Must have been multiple Snorts.
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