A request has been made to help identify the boy with Frieda in the top photo. Please let them know his name if you can.
In the second photo, which could be called "a study in light and shadows", we see the ornate soda fountain and also tables, chairs, and furnishings inside Tom's Drug Store. Facing the front from midway, the reflection at the right was from a slanted glass showcase. A coke bottle and the image of someone can be seen faintly. The photo would not completely restore.
The clipping of Bobby Greene shows just one of his accomplishments. A friendly, well-liked member of BHS, Bobby graduated with honors from school and college. Bobby, I understand you read the blog regularly and may have some photos that we would like to see. If you could, we would certainly like for you to share a few to post here. Thanks in advance.
Fourth, Buddy Miller and Frieda Rogers on the front middle step landing at BHS.
Last, our old and dear First Baptist Church on West Main Street. It was a very "cool" place in more ways than one; it was never locked in those days, and in the summertime we would beat the sultry heat of day by playing hide-and-seek in the cool, cavernous basement.
If you recall, the steps from outside to the basement were in the little white "doghouse" entryway at the end of the concrete walk in the left of the photo behind the information marquee sign. The sign can almost be read in an enlarged copy of the photo.
Photos from Betty Massengill, Cynthia Mink, and Clarene Evans. Thanks, all.
In the second photo, which could be called "a study in light and shadows", we see the ornate soda fountain and also tables, chairs, and furnishings inside Tom's Drug Store. Facing the front from midway, the reflection at the right was from a slanted glass showcase. A coke bottle and the image of someone can be seen faintly. The photo would not completely restore.
The clipping of Bobby Greene shows just one of his accomplishments. A friendly, well-liked member of BHS, Bobby graduated with honors from school and college. Bobby, I understand you read the blog regularly and may have some photos that we would like to see. If you could, we would certainly like for you to share a few to post here. Thanks in advance.
Fourth, Buddy Miller and Frieda Rogers on the front middle step landing at BHS.
Last, our old and dear First Baptist Church on West Main Street. It was a very "cool" place in more ways than one; it was never locked in those days, and in the summertime we would beat the sultry heat of day by playing hide-and-seek in the cool, cavernous basement.
If you recall, the steps from outside to the basement were in the little white "doghouse" entryway at the end of the concrete walk in the left of the photo behind the information marquee sign. The sign can almost be read in an enlarged copy of the photo.
Photos from Betty Massengill, Cynthia Mink, and Clarene Evans. Thanks, all.
That photo of First Baptist brings back lots of good memories.
Boy with Freda looks a bit like James Lominick but not sure.
sorry-but no thats not James Lominick
His first name may be Dave.
I can not believe there are no pictures of J. B. Baker. Carl, while you are looking for one, call John Olen Cunningham and see if he can shed some light on who put the goats in the library. Boy, Mr. Baker and Clytee Barber really got mad about that, did they not?
Do have some photos of J. B. Baker. There have been a couple posted previously somewhere on this blog.
As for the goat fiasco, there is a earlier posting with the information that Glo Cunningham provided about it.
At the top left of the home page, type "goat caper" into the white box and then click on the "search blog" box to the right of that. You should then have the story to read.
Thank you Carl for the information about the goat caper. I also have wondered who "stole" Wallis Nelsons car, decorated it, wrote "Just Married" on it, and placed it in front of "coots" house. Do you think the same fellows did that too?
Don't believe I have heard of that one! Wallis will be back from a trip in a few days and maybe he will respond to your comment....
No I can tell you that the "Goat" bunch did not do that to Red's car----- I don't know who did tho --- we don't know at all-- do we Dave--and don't go asking Herb either--cause we just don't know----do we?
Thanks Melvin; I can confirm also, we were ALL out of town!
Yeah--Out of town--thats it--out of town, I remember now--thanks Dave, we sure were -- out of town, somewhere----
Is the boy in question not Danny Bishop? He was tall enough.
Danny Bishop graduated in 1964, Freda in 1958.
Carl, On the in memorium column, please ad Joseph wade he passed away in Rainbow City, Alabama about 5 years ago. Joseph was certainly a friend to all he knew and met.
Your request has been complied with. Thanks to Milton Copeland we have the date of death and if you would like a copy of the obit, email me
and send your your address and I'll get it to you.
So you three were involved on doing that to me..I will get even someway,,sooner or later,,just watch your step..lol
You know we never took our keys out of our cars back then..
What "3"? We were out of town, you know, "Out of Town"!! Man---where were you anyway, to leave a car alone like you must have-- yeah-- Where Were You???
Red it took over fifty to solve the theft of your car but I am glad that it is solved. I know that being the fine fellow that you are, you really forgave them, did didnt you?
Carl, Please place Ester Lee (Bryson) Crowe and Jimmy Crowe in the in memorium section.
Be glad to. Can you provide any dates?
Carl, Ester Lee (Bryson) Crowe and Jimmy Crowe were in the class of 1961. Ester Lee (Bryson) Crowe died on 30 June 1989. Jimmy Crowe died 24 June 2005.
Esther Lee's Prentiss Memorial marker has Nov 30, 1989...
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