Shown above is the '57 BHS class at a reunion in about 1979. This was a full reunion, Ellis thinks, and this was made at a get-together at Bobby Corbett's home in Pratts. What a drastic change in some of the folks! Some guys had thinning hair, and others had grown more.
Would you venture the idea this was the"disco era"? The styles of clothes certainly reflect that. After 22 years, they were still a nice looking bunch!
Photo courtesy of Ellis Christian.
What happened to all the women?
Who is the dreamy guy behind Harold Murley? Is it...could it be...Carloss White?
Wow, Carl, I hope I only aged 12 years between 1957 and 1979!
Well, Cyn, that only proves that finishing school in Memphis instead of good ole BHS means I can't count!
Thanks for the correction. I could say that I intentionally put that mistake there to see how many folks would read it and catch it and report it. You are it so far, good job! I wrote that very late at night and let it get past. It was a mistake entirely.
That garatuating class had almost double men vs. women - 23 men and 12 women. The picture of attendees reflects that!
Help! I can't recognize some of the people. The back row (only)names, please!!!
Carl, if you could see the grade I received in Calculus at Memphis State, 'good job' wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind when math is involved.
Since no one else is making a stab:
Dean Rutherford, ?, Arch Young, Grover Thomas, Bobby Corbett, Curtiss Wayne Bishop, Linda Johnson, Robert M Thomas, Aaron Weatherford, Barbara Bryson, ?, Margaret Epting, Frank Norman, Ellis Wayne Christian, Harold Murley, Carlos White, Bud Reynolds, Henry Outlaw.
Forrest Barber between Dean and Arch?
I don't think it is Forest. He didn't graduate until 1961.
My mistake, Forrest Underwood!
See Carl you not the only one making mistakes!
Whatever became of Forrest Underwood?
Did he marry? Still around?
I think the girl between Linda and Margaret is Diane Stiles
John M
Diane is correct, JM, but wonder who's peeking between Diane and Margaret?
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