These are a couple of the last sharp photos we have of the Bearcat Football teams, but are some of the better ones of the senior, junior, and other players. Note Charles Cooper in the back row of the lower photo, this is the only one with he as a player and Bernard as coach (or assistant) we've posted, that I recall.
Charles was known as "Frankenstein" to younger boys in school - if they got out of line, he would put some real fear in them, helping a teacher out in the process.
Billy "Bullet" Frost looks as though he has lost a front tooth!
The upper photo shows, I believe, big Bruce Putt in the center, top row, and others that I never knew played. I think that is Billy Wayne Houston suited up, along with Bobby McCarley and Doug Pruitt.
Photos courtesy of Larry Johnson and Ellis Christian.
Bottom photo back row:
Mose Garrett, Billy Dillard, Charles Fray Cooper, Phil Gorden, Bobby Tom Outlaw, Aaron Weatherford, ?, Jack Christian, Luther Ray McMillan, Bobby Herring, Coach Haynes
next: Jimmy Wallis, Robert Marion Thomas, James Herring, Jimmy Rutherford, Larry Johnson, Billy Weatherford, Darrel Mathias, Mert Phillips
?, Billy Short, Martin Howard, ?, Billy Frost, Bobby Nichols, Bobby Allred
Charles Fray had the footballer's look all right.
I think the bottom one is 1953 team but could be 1952.
The great undefeated 1956 team. Hard to imagine they were that good when they were so small, had almost no close games Great running backs and tough team make up for size.
Back: Robin Arnold, Doug Pruitt, Dave Gentry, Bobby Conwill, Arch Young, Bobby McCarley, Bruce Putt, Enoch Gentry, Joe Grissom, Melvin Duke, Grover Thomas, Wyatt Weatherford
Dean Rutherford, Doug Waters, Billy Wayne Houston, Stanley Hendrix, Billy Ray Dobbs?, Ted Love?, Paul Haynes Jr?, Robert Thomas, Joe Murray Davis
Bud Reynolds, Ellis Wayne Christian, Aaron Weatherford, Frank Norman, Hayden Nabors, Bobby Corbett, Richard Hughes, Henry Outlaw
What ever happened to Charles Cooper? He used to scare me to death. Children would hide when he came our way.
His sister, Gloria Jean, was a great friend of mine. Is she doing well these days? Anyone know?
As I have written before, such a great bunch of good looking guys they were!
I would love to see each and every one again after all these years.
Does the Festival in October get any of them back for a visit, I have never been to a festival.
Gloria Ann and I see Gloria Jean and William occasionally at Wally World. I think William has had some health problems. I used to see her brother Phil every now and then but haven't seen Gary in years.
I understand from talking to Gloria one time that Charles Fray passed away several years ago - was living in Seattle maybe.
Charlie died in Feb, 2002 due complications from diabetes. He spent most of his adult life living in Fort Worth, TX, but the last couple of years near Portland, OR to be close to his two youngest children.
As his youngest brother, I would love to have a copy of this team picture.
I will gladly pick it up, have it copied and return it. Contact me at phil_cooper@bellsouth.net.
Phil C
Phil, all photos on this blog are donated and it is encouraged highly that you print and save to disk any or all.
The photo you want is in good definition. Right-click on the photo and save it, then print it!
Let me know if you have any trouble.
Milton Copeland, who is William, Gloria Jean's husband - or rather his last name? I didn't ever know who she married. Good to find out she is still around and well. Sorry to hear about Charles.
Gloria's last name is Mears. They're in the book!
Phil C
Hello to Phil Cooper,
All of us who were sports nuts really admired Charles. He could have played a lot more football if things had worked out differently.
Joe Cunningham
I have had numerous people tell me about Charlie's talent as a football player. In fact, and according to some of his former team mates, he was an All Tombigbee Conference selection for FIVE consecutive years, having been selected while in the eighth grade. (They changed the rules after the mid sixties where eighth graders could no longer participate at the high school level.)
As a point of trivia, can anyone name who I believe is the only other player to achieve All Tombigbee Conference status for five consecutive years?
Phil C
I think the player in white in bottom photo is Jimmy Pettigrew but can't identify the one between Martin Howard & Billy Frost on front row. Anyone know?
At last! People I recognize. This must have been 1952, the year I moved.
That's Jerry Williams between Martin and Billy.
Who is first one on first row?
Coaches Jobe, Magers and Vandiver are all deceased and in a very few years no one will remember the 1956 and '57 teams but they made us proud to be from Baldwyn with their excellence. Of course none of it would have been possible without Coach Jobe who passed away about two years ago and was a world class motivator.
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