Amazing Head Count of Young People on South Second Street Circa 1945 – 1953
By Dave Heflin
South Second Street or old Highway 45, beginning at the bottom of town hill and bordering about Twitchell Hill with a few side streets had an amazing collection of youngsters on up to high schoolers, or correct me. This Blog is so much fun and feels like WE ALL just played ball, drove to Okolona last night, and hung out in Tom’s or Houston’s Drug Stores.
Here’s my left brain attempt at remembering:
Billy Shellnut - Robert Heflin
Tommy Shellnut - Junior Heflin
Jimmy Whitaker - Catherine Boren
Margie Purvis - Bobby Tom Outlaw
Lowell Wallis - Henry Earle Outlaw
Mack Walker - Betty Outlaw
?? Walker - Nan Rowan
Larry Johnson - Billy Castleberry
Robert Hugh Johnson - ? Castleberry
Knowles Charlwood (?) - Joe Murray Davis
Sandra Poole - William Leonard Davis
?? Palmer - Bobby Thompson
John Olan Cunningham - Edith Ann Gordon (visits)
Joe Cunningham - Kenneth Patton
Judy Bryant - Birdie Kaye Patton
James Byrant - Eddie Patton
Eddie Kirk - Jimmy Patton
Frank Kirk - Sue Downs
The Kirk sister? - Hayden Burns
Betty Jo Burns -Jack Province
Billy Bob Lampkin - Sarah Province
Billy Frost - Gary Norman
Martin Howard - Monte Jean Caldwell
Mary Ann McDonald - Ginger McDonald
Simon “Buddy” Spight - John Allen Lampkin
Mary Ann Heflin - David Heflin
Charles “Jap” Reynolds - Bud” Reynolds
There are some missed! Can't remember them all.
By Dave Heflin
South Second Street or old Highway 45, beginning at the bottom of town hill and bordering about Twitchell Hill with a few side streets had an amazing collection of youngsters on up to high schoolers, or correct me. This Blog is so much fun and feels like WE ALL just played ball, drove to Okolona last night, and hung out in Tom’s or Houston’s Drug Stores.
Here’s my left brain attempt at remembering:
Billy Shellnut - Robert Heflin
Tommy Shellnut - Junior Heflin
Jimmy Whitaker - Catherine Boren
Margie Purvis - Bobby Tom Outlaw
Lowell Wallis - Henry Earle Outlaw
Mack Walker - Betty Outlaw
?? Walker - Nan Rowan
Larry Johnson - Billy Castleberry
Robert Hugh Johnson - ? Castleberry
Knowles Charlwood (?) - Joe Murray Davis
Sandra Poole - William Leonard Davis
?? Palmer - Bobby Thompson
John Olan Cunningham - Edith Ann Gordon (visits)
Joe Cunningham - Kenneth Patton
Judy Bryant - Birdie Kaye Patton
James Byrant - Eddie Patton
Eddie Kirk - Jimmy Patton
Frank Kirk - Sue Downs
The Kirk sister? - Hayden Burns
Betty Jo Burns -Jack Province
Billy Bob Lampkin - Sarah Province
Billy Frost - Gary Norman
Martin Howard - Monte Jean Caldwell
Mary Ann McDonald - Ginger McDonald
Simon “Buddy” Spight - John Allen Lampkin
Mary Ann Heflin - David Heflin
Charles “Jap” Reynolds - Bud” Reynolds
There are some missed! Can't remember them all.
Could the ?? Palmer be Robert Palmer, a recent poster of a couple of articles?
Milton Nanney, Houston Wood, Virginia Haygood.
The Conlee kids, Billy Wayne Houston, The Lytal kids, Teddy Love and his sister. I know there were some more, but don't remember the names.
Robert Marcus Herring, Carson Baker, Scottie Baker, Bobby Bowdry, Charles Bowdry, "Brother" Bowdry, Leon Montgomery, Sonny Robbins, Gail Duncan, Jo Ann Duncan, Billy Massengill, Johnny Massengill.
2 Epting kids, a boy and a girl, ? and Margaret?
The Rutherford's Jimmy ,Dean & Martha Ann & younger (?) sister
Don't forget the albino kid that lived behind the Home Hotel, don't remember his name, but he was called diddley dadgum or something like that.
The Albino kid was Leon Montgomery.
Anne Malone, Becky and Rachael Christian,Sue Downs,Tommy Lampkin, Peggy McElroy, Pat McElroy, Winn Johnson, Tommy Thomas. There were several others that Were babies at the time but this was a very busy part of town and a lot of action. It was a great place to live.
Well, my brother Coleman and I lived on North 3rd, the wrong end of town evidently...dang it, but we wern't alone! Teddy's sister was Pat, she passed away this past year with cancer. Jimmie Rutherford's younger sister is Judy.The albino kid behind the Home Hotel was Leon Montgomery who had a sister named Pamela Sue which my mother named.Also in my neighborhood was Jimmy and Billy Greene. Jackie, Mary Ellen and Mike Cole; Mike was killed in a motorscooter accident when he was a young boy. Judy Bryant and her brother James. Brenda and Barbara Bryson. George England. Chip, Nan and Tim Ford and Jimmy and Martha Ann Miller to name just a few. There were probably more that skirt around my memory tonight but these were enough to fill my street and part of North 2nd.
I don't remember the names of the streets, but I lived across the street from the Brysons when I was in first grade. The house was struck by lightning and burned. I also lived down on the big curve in the old Lollar house. I guess you're referring to that street as South Second. It was near the Palmers and Kirks and Outlaws. James and Judy Bryant had a sister, Billie, and a brother, Tommy. They're my double 4th cousins or something like that.
What were those stores at the bottom of the hill?
Stores that were there at various times were post office, Mr Whitaker's carpentry, Dry cleaners and on the right were Chevrolet dealership, Dr Ford, Barber shop and Drug Store.
Oh,yes. Thanks for the memory jogger. I remember all of those except the barber shop and the drug store. Guess I didn't walk on that side of the street much.
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