2 Minute Video By Dr. Henry Outlaw and Prof. Dave Heflin
Filmed at one of the Freedom Hills Seminars about 1981. With comments from Dave Heflin, Sheriff Jernigan, and Mr. Claude. The Freedom Hills in Alabama were rich in history and that is the reason that location was chosen for the seminars.
Mr. Claude wrote about the massive corruption and lawlessness perpetrated there in a series of several books. As we have read in a previous posting on this blog, he was almost a victim of gunfire on one trip to his lake home in the Hills.
Henry and Dave had a lot of fun creating these and other stories on film that we'll see here later.
Interesting post of Mr. Claude and Dave, who saved everything. Thanks for sharing.
These old video clips and photos are priceless to those of us who need a nostalgic boost from the present day back to our roots. Thank all of you who make it possible. Great reading, first stop is here each time I get on line.
Once again, great job Carl with the posting. Dave, Henry, thank you both so much for immortalizing Mr. Claude the way you have. So many of us in Baldwyn did grow up in Mr. Claude's theaters. I remember my mama, Marie Evans, saying once how good Mr. Claude and Miss Gladys were to watch over me and my little brother like they did. They babysat us all day on Saturday while she worked. She never had to worry because we were safe and loved in their care.
Just got this vid downloaded and checked out. Slow connection in my locality. What a nice surprise to see my old friend Claude again. Thanks and keep up the nice website.
I just have to tell ya'll that is a much younger, and slimmer John Olan decked out in his cowboy boots,jeans, leather vest, and cowboy hat, standing next to Dave. The Freedon Hills Seminar was a fun trip for all of us. I agree with the sheriff, Mr. Claude was a true southern Gentleman.
glo cunningham
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