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Does anyone remember who the large kid is/was? I can recall him but don't know if I ever knew him. The photo is made on North Second street near the McElroy lumber yard and Carnation milk plant road, I would guess in front of the Bryson's and Greene's.
David, do you remember if you were let off without being bruised? I would suppose so, because I see Slim Weldon coming your way on his road grader!
That kid is Bruce Putt..he was a head and shoulders above all the rest of us..
R footballers?
Bobby McCarley, Enoch Gentry?, Frank Norman?, Hayden Nabors, Richard Hughes, Henry Outlaw, Robert Marion Thomas
Ellis Wayne instead of Richard Hughes.
First Anonymous commenter (Wallis), are you sure of that being Bruce Putt?
1956 line. I think Ellis Wayne would have been on a backfield photo with Aaron Weatherford, Melvin Duke and Bud Reynolds. Where is a Coach Jobe picture?
Okay, guys thats not Ellis Wayne its Richard Hughes at the guard spot, and sadly we note that three of our linemen team mates are no longer with us, Enoch Gentry, Hayden Nabors and Richard Hughes--in memory I say-- "we miss you guys"
J M Duke
In the football photo, is the building on the right where our primer class was held (1946), and was it later the lunchroom? And what is that small building that looks like a ticket booth?
Cynthia, I think the building was later the lunchroom and I think the small building was actually a ticket booth.
If you will look at number 50 on more bad Bearcats,,that is Bruce Putt and then look at the picture with David they look the same..
Cynthia, I started in the primer in that building, also. The classroom for it and first grade was in the north end, taking about 1/3 of the space, and the lunchroom in the south end took up the rest. We could hear and smell food being prepared all morning. We were first to get to eat, and we did eat good. No junk food in those days, just nutritious stuff that they have fights with these days.
The little booth sold tickets to the games, but there were people who sat on the highway at the west end of the field and didn't pay. The little ticket booth was also a popular smoking area when in high school.
Carl, in order to save a quarter to get into a ball game, don't you remember we walked down the drainage ditch (spraddle-legged to keep from getting wet)behind Roy Strickland's house from the highway, and up the hill by the tunnel entrance. If anyone was at the entrance to the bleachers taking tickets, we would climb up the back side and slide into place on a seat.
Good old days!
OK Carl, now tell us the year, make and model of the cars in the background of the football photo.
That's too easy for Carl so I'll do it. First the dark car is a red 1953 Ford, next is a light green 1951 Ford, and last but not least is a white and blue 1955 Ford with a low left rear tire!! :o)
John Melvin
Here's a harder question, Melvin. My cousin got stuck up in a tree in your backyard and Murray had to climb the tree and help her down. Remember her name?
In my previous comment, I failed to mention that the door to the primer room was on the north side and the door you see on the side of the building was the entrance to the lunchroom. Also, look at the stains on the wall on that side of the building - that is most likely body oils and sweat from kids leaning against the side while waiting patiently for their turn to get inside to the cuisine!
Cynthia, I thought that was you. Seriously tho, I think it was a young lady with the last name "Welch" Sorry I don't remember the whole name. Did I get it??
John Melvin
Good for you, Melvin. Dorothy is her first name.
I have a hard time remembering David like that. Next to Bruce he looks about 11. Anyone remember how Dave broke his ankle during football season?
Red, I didn't know you played? Hello to all of you and hope you are all well.
Hello over there on the left Coast, MaryAnn! Good to hear from you.
I don't remember how Dave broke whatever last year, much less 50 years ago! Ha.
Thanks for your comments - take care.
I think it had something to do with Bruce but let's see how his memory is with his old age.
It's always good to hear from you guys also.
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