by Jo Carolyn Anderson Beebe
These pictures were made at my 4th birthday party. We lived in Miss Jessie Archer's house where the library is now.
The black smudges were caused by the fire that burned the next house we lived in.
I'm sure some of the Bearcats will recognize some of my guests, but even I don't know the names of two of them. I'll let you guess before I post the names.
I left the photos as you sent them, Jo. The old and blackened photo adds ambiance as you wrote about. Thanks for sharing. I have to admit that I can't identify anyone but you, although the faces are very familiar!
Is that Jack Christian with the slicked back hair?
Is the tallest boy Willard Waters?
You sure were a "QT"!
I do see Jack Christian, and also Billy Nunley (or Nunally)?
I am trying to conjure up Bob Christian...which one, which one, which one.......
Is one of the kids Billy Wayne Castleberry? Lower left, 2nd from left.
This is fun!
Column 1, bottom picture:
Does anyone know the tall girl and her little brother? I think their name was Love or Cole.
Yes, that's Jack with the slicked back hair. And Bob is the little boy in the other striped shirt.
Could Pat and Teddy be the brother and sister on front row?
Meant to say Pat and Teddy Love as brother and sister on front row.
I can state this with all due precision, Mert Phillips is not there!
I don't think Teddy Love was born by the time this picture was made.
You're right. Teddy would have been much too young for this picture. He was probably born about 1941, which was about when this picture was made.
I think Jack and Bob were always the life of any party they atteneded all their life.
Since this was apparently taken about 1941, that would have been a few short months before Dr. Christian's wife was killed in the tornado - 4/42.
Yes, the birthday party was in Sept., 1941. The tornado was in the spring of '42. We had to move from Miss Jessie's house because it was damaged. The next house we lived in was across the street from the Brysons and the Greens. It was struck by lightning.
I guess I've teased you enough with the guessing game.
Column 1, middle picture:
My favorite! If looks could kill. What in the world do you suppose was going on between BILLY FROST and me?
Column 2, picture 1:
The baby on the right end is Nancy McCarthy.
Column 2, middle picture:
Bob Christian, Billy Frost, John Harris, Tommy Brooks, me, ?, ?, Wallace Patch, Jack Christian, Ann Harpole
I know. Some of you weren't born yet.
And did Billy Frost dirty up your face?
It is so great that you still have those photo, Jo C. That was some occasion.
Jo, do you know what or where is Billy Frost now, I lost touch years ago, anybody know??
John M
John M, Billy still lives in Baldwyn in a house next to the one his parents lived in, the last I heard. Look for him in the Baldwyn Tel directory.
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