I have been assured this is the 1953 graduating class at BHS. I have had 4 individuals confirm it, so if that is incorrect, please let us know.
Lots of familiar faces, but most of the names escape me.
I remember that virtually all of the men were in Mr. Howard's wood shop classes, and as an eighth grader, I and others cleaned up the floor after them. That was one of the years that everyone built a desk to keep at the end of the year. I don't recall that being done any year after then.
Photos from Ellen Mink
A few are Jackis Sandlin, Luther Ray McMillan, Roger Barnett, Phil Gordon, Bobby Tom Outlaw, Darrel Mathis, JoAnn Whitaker, Jerry Williams, Agnes Mink, Mary Tom Gordon, ? Leslie Davis, Stanley Miller?
Guy on left, second row from front, is a Donahue? I think.
Who is the girl on front row, third from the right, is she a Patton?
Sorry, I meant fourth from right on front row in the above comment
Stab at new cheerleaders:
Back row: Edith Ann Gordon, Pat Dobbs.
Front: Jeanette Young, ?, Jackie Sue Cooper, ?Faye Coggins?
Carl, your remark about shop class reminded me that even though I tried 2 or 3 times to take shop instead of home ec, I was told that girls weren't allowed in shop.
But I do remember one guy in our home ec class about 1957 or 58. Who was he? Anybody know?
Faye Coggins and Mary Tom on the shoulders. The other 4????
Faye Coggins and Mary Tom on the shoulders. The other 4????
Cynthia, I went to Wheeler HS in 56-57 and there were a couple of dozen guys took home ec that year (I have the photo in the annual to prove it) and it was a big hit with the school.
I started to myself, it was so much fun...
You were trying to violate a sanctity by wanting to take shop, and it would have been practical to do so. Shame on them for not letting you, things have changed so much since then.
I had a bad problem with a new car a few years ago, and no one could find the problem.
I went to another dealer service and the female service rep there got it fixed in 2 hours. She knew what was wrong because she was keeping up with the service bulletins.
Sure wish someone could positively name the kids in the photo. I was 2 years behind, and remember their looks, but not the names, Thanks.
The Donahue guy in the photo is Miles Donahue. He was older brother to Charles.
Miles is also top right in the gown photo. He died 19 Jan 1989 and is buried at East Pleasant Ridge, Prentiss County
Nettie Ruth Mink Benson is far right second row from front in gown, and fifth from left second row in the other photo. She wed Robert Benson and last account she lived in Georgetown, Ind.
Lower photo, 3rd row, second from right, my old friend, Harry Cowan. Who is the guy standing directly behind him???
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