Friday, August 22, 2008

Baldwyn Folks on Video

I guess you'll recognize these scenes and some of the people captured on video (film).

These shots capture the essence of the town as we knew it and loved it. Just remember, it will never be this passionate ever again.

Thanks to whomever sent this.


Cynthia said...

Great film, Carl. Taken when Baldwyn was still "Mayberry". I wonder what Mr. Claude was filming with. Wasn't that before hand-held movie cameras?

Anonymous said...

This was film that Claude showed at the theater when he had the time. He did make it himself.

I remember seeing it a couple of times.

Carl Houston said...

Cynthia, Mr. Claude had one of, if not the first 16MM movie cameras in Baldwyn. A very large, professional model and he used it quite a bit. I spliced a lot of this film for him when I was projectionist at the Ritz in '53 and '54. The film was very brittle and broke often, so he was very careful with it. I am glad this was saved to tape for the preservation of scenes such as these.
I believe he told me once that Gwen Norman, who also had a 16MM movie camera, shot some of this film. There is more.

Anonymous said...

great vid! looks like the old town was having so much fun. it lasted all the time i was there, and hate to hear it is not that way anymore

Anonymous said...

Is that Christine Bingam that operated Chris's Cafe? That don't even look like the place to me.

Carl Houston said...

Yes that is Chris. Her and John, her husband, added a wing to the north end of the old structure and called it Chris' Drive In Cafe. The original business was Bingham's Service station, cafe, and grocery. They added a building to the south for washing and lubing cars after this footage was taken.