Friday, June 5, 2009

Wagon Train Celebration 1976 Preparation

-click to enlarge-

The 1976 centennial coast-to-coast wagon train stopped in Baldwyn and preparations were made to celebrate in period style. The above photo shows that beards were grown; the ladies dug out their hoop skirts and other accouterments to support the event.

The event was well received. I have no photos to show the people or wagons or the celebrating.

Lower: Some of the local teens. Can you name them?

Photos: Top - Clarene Evans, bottom - Ellen Mink.


Anonymous said...

Is that Guy HerrinG, the electrician, Phyllis' daddy?

Anonymous said...

Betty Jean Franklin the center.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that is Phyliss's father. Martha Ann Pratt on the right?

Anonymous said...

Sandra Putt on the left. But the middle teen looks like Juanita Heavener to me.

Anonymous said...

Phyllis was a few years older than Brenda, so that man is too young to be Guy Herring, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Martha Ann Pratt Gentry on the right, Jackie Roberts Pruitt in the center, on the left ?

Terry G. said...

I'll add this with utmost confidence:

Left, Sarah Putt. Center, Betty Franklin, Right, Martha Pratt.

How'd I do???

Anonymous said...

Sandra Putt who married Bruce Hurt; Sarah was older. Looks more like Betty Jean Franklin than Jackie Roberts to me.

Anonymous said...

Carl, Please add Mr. Jimmy O. Arnold 29 Feb 2008, to your deceased teachers list.

Unknown said...

I am going to agree with Terry. Left Sarah Putt, center, Betty Franklin and right, Martha Pratt.

Who knows for sure?

Anonymous said...

If it's Sara, I'm George Samuel Oakley. It's Sandra.

Carl Houston said...

The info I had when scanning the photo was: Sandra Putt, Betty Jean Franklin, and Martha Pratt. Since that was some time ago, I wish Ellen Mink would please verify it.

Anonymous said...

believe me--its Sandra Putt-Betty Franklin & Martha Pratt--and that is Guy Herring---Phylis had a birthday last week--she is ONLY 5 yrs older than Jackie & Brenda!!!

Anonymous said...

Mr Guy Herring was born in 1908-this was 1976--so he was 68 only in that pic--he held his looks well--some of yall thats 68 --look in the mirror/haha

Anonymous said...

Martha Ann Pratt-SANDRA Putt & i graduated together in 1960--Betty Jean Franklin was a couple yrs older---BUT--SARAH Putt was older and i dont even remember her being in hi school any of the years that we were

Anonymous said...

There is a picture of Sarah Putt in an article called the BHS Spotlight Staff on this blog. Look down the page and find it and you will see that Sarah and Sandra are very different.

Clarene Evans said...

Guy Herring and my mama were first cousins. My granddaddy and his mother were brothers and sisters and yes, our whole family held their ages well. When my grandmother died she was 83 and looked 63 and so did my mama. Mama's baby brother, Jacque (pronounced JACK)is the only sibling left. He is 82 and looks maybe 62 and acts 42. Ask Carl who out walked who at the Naval Air Station Museum in Pensacola a few weeks back. Hope I do as well.