Found on the internet. Shows many of the Cox and Prather family members and others. Three of the outstanding people are Brooks Prather, Allen Cox, and William Cox. You can put a name to a face using the list that was attached to the photo:
"Near as I can make out, are the identifications from the back of the photograph:
Back Row: Bill, Uncle Tip, Forest Prather, Uncle Will Cox, Roy, Aunt Matt, Marie Goan, Aunt Sallie, Cousin Georgia May, Bell, Aunt Meck, Uncle Will, Cousin May Jackson, Aunt Georgia, Aunt Mollie Sam (Geo's [very uncertain about this abbreviation -TM] mother), Uncle Wylie, Uncle Jim, Brooks Prather, Allen Cox, Mrs. High, Cousin Annie Bell, Cousin Jim, Uncle John
Second Row: Sallie Clifton, Fred Robins, Aunt Gene, Uncle Lee Prather, Aunt Forest, Granny, ?, John Henry Allen, Ruby Clifton, Bates, Penny, Nell, Cousin Rob Weaver
First Row: ?, Bess, Wm. Cox, Georgia, John Allen, Robert "
Back Row: Bill, Uncle Tip, Forest Prather, Uncle Will Cox, Roy, Aunt Matt, Marie Goan, Aunt Sallie, Cousin Georgia May, Bell, Aunt Meck, Uncle Will, Cousin May Jackson, Aunt Georgia, Aunt Mollie Sam (Geo's [very uncertain about this abbreviation -TM] mother), Uncle Wylie, Uncle Jim, Brooks Prather, Allen Cox, Mrs. High, Cousin Annie Bell, Cousin Jim, Uncle John
Second Row: Sallie Clifton, Fred Robins, Aunt Gene, Uncle Lee Prather, Aunt Forest, Granny, ?, John Henry Allen, Ruby Clifton, Bates, Penny, Nell, Cousin Rob Weaver
First Row: ?, Bess, Wm. Cox, Georgia, John Allen, Robert "
Circa 1900. Brooks Prather and Allen Cox stand out very well to me, although they were young men at the time. Wasn't there a Forest Prather who was a man and another who was a woman? Listed is a Forest Prather and an Aunt Forest.
Help us out, Milton!
Help us out, Milton!
Forest Allen Cox, wife of William Michael Cox was the mother of Anne Spencer Cox.
Miss Anne told me that her mother was named after Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Forest Allen Cox was the daughter of David M. and Sarah Ann "Sallie" Spencer Allen.
She was also the younger sister of America M. Allen who married Leonidas "Lee" Prather, parents of Brooks, Forest and Roy Prather.
Carl, Please post Mrs. Nettle Bryson Shirley 1961. Sorry no other date is available. Mrs. Shirley was Dr. Bryson Shirley's mother and she taught the 3rd grade for many years.
Does anyone know what Brooks Prather did for his living? He must have been retired when I knew him. I heard he was a lawyer.
I think Brooks sold and bought stock in the market. Don't really know.
This has nothing to do with the photo, but several of us noticed that Brenda Waters's name is on the deceased list & we did not know about it. Does any one know where the funeral was held & where she was buried?
Now that is a great photograph.
Anon, this obit seems to be the extent of our knowledge on Brenda's death so far.
Brenda Genty, 68, of Gulfport, passed away Feb. 4, 2009 in Gulfport. Private Family Services will be held. Arrangements by RIEMANN FAMILY FH, 11280 Three Rivers Rd., Gpt.
Published in The Sun Herald on 2/5/2009
If Brooks Prather ever had any money, he never showed it. If he lost a pool game, he wouldn't pay - and it only cost a dime. He would throw a fit and storm out of the poolroom.
What building are the Coxes and Prathers standing in front of? It doesn't look like anything I've seen in Baldwyn. Too large to be a private home. A hotel, maybe?
Come to think of it, I don't know what Brooks did for a living either. He knew all the verses to "John Brown's body lies molded in the clay" (tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic"). One year a fellow named Jim Roper was running for some political office and Mr. Brooks changed the song to "Jim Roper's body lies molded in the clay". He and Miss Hortense's brother Milton Latimer hung out at Houston's Drugs quite a bit; Mr Latimer used to talk about knowing the great baseball pitcher Walter Johnson in Florida in the early 1900's. This can't be of interest to anyone but me.
It seems to me the Prather home was quite big. At least it seemed that way when I was a kid. It was on the corner lot across the street from Al's Cafe.
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