Sunday, May 17, 2009

More old Photos

-click to enlarge-

In the top photo, the '57 graduates are on a bus to LA (Lower Alabama) for their senior trip. In photo L-R Curtis Bishop, Bobby Corbett, Norma Faye Davis, Ellis Christian, and Margaret Epting. Others are blurry but I believe Arch Young and Monte Caldwell can be seen.

Lower photo is the '62 Bearcat cheerleaders.

Upper photo from Ellis Christian.
Lower photo from Betty Massengill. Thanks, Ya'll.


Anonymous said...

Looks sort of like Grover standing behind Margaret.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe Herbert Lynn.

Anonymous said...

I love the picture at the top of the page. That's the way I remember Baldwyn looked. Those streets would be filled with people from mid morning to midnight on Saturdays!

Anonymous said...

The cheerleader photo further illustrates that Baldwyn had some of the finest looking ladies anywhere.