Scanned images of the "programme" given to the attendees of the Junior-Senior Prom in 1957.
All looks great but the food menu appears kinda skimpy. Maybe there was enough for Ellis and Henry and others that were chow hounds as I knew them.
Anyone recall who "Elvis Presley" was?
Submitted by Cynthia Mink. Thanks, Cindy.
All looks great but the food menu appears kinda skimpy. Maybe there was enough for Ellis and Henry and others that were chow hounds as I knew them.
Anyone recall who "Elvis Presley" was?
Submitted by Cynthia Mink. Thanks, Cindy.
Oh Lordy,,, no 'taters??? with all that ham???
That menu was to die for....Does memory fade? Seems like we went to Tupelo for a party after the prom and stayed out all night. I think Aaron and I got Linda and Mary Evelyn home just before daylight.
I'll bet Sam and Coach were waiting and looking up and down the road for you-all!
Was Dean Rutherford Elvis?
I thought Dean Bradley was Elvis. He did the Frogman song, too???
Maybe Carlos White and others will agree with me; when I had an early morning Commercial Appeal paper route that began at 4:30 or 5:00 AM I saw quite a few folks sneaking home at all times of the year, just in time to get a shower and get to school!
I was Elvis,,I had back up singers and all..I hate to say but the only back up I can remember was Tom Shellnut Somewhere I have a picture of us..
Wallis, we would like to see the pictures! If you find them.
I'm still wondering what a Cotton Boll Salad is...
There was a restaurant in Tupelo many years ago named the Cotton Boll. It had a salad by the same name and even boll weevils for garnish. I'll let you wonder what the weevils were. They were edible, of course.
(bacon bits!)
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