May all you Baldwyn Bearcats and your families have the most joyous Christmas and New Year.
We wish the most bountiful blessings to you for the coming year.
Thank all of you who have made this a good year for remembering our heritage and the good times we had long ago.
We sincerely offer our gratitude to you for your help in making the BBB a success.
Merry Christmas from Gloria and I.
Hope the New Year brings a treasure trove of new nostalgia!
Carl, your dedication to the Bearcat blog has helped to reconnect so many of us with former classmates and friends; it has reminded us how special growing up in Baldwyn was, and has stirred long forgotten memories of childhood. Thank you, my friend, and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to everyone from way down here in Foley, Al..As has been said before..thanks Carl for a job well done,,you have connected us all back to our youth and helped us remember things that have long been forgotten..
Carl--rest assured -- your labors are not in vain, you have returned many memories to me that have long since been put away, and I thank you and all those who contribute to this endeavour-- so I say --
John Melvin
Thanks for the work on the blog Carl. You have brought together a lot of memories for us all.
Merry Christmas
Carl,thanks for all your work and for allowing me to share in it in my own small way. It has been an adventure. You will be rewarded for all your efforts.
Thanks Carl
Jim G
It's Christmas in GA already. The stockings are stuffed. The turkey is thawing. The kids are asleep, we think.
Thanks, Henry, for telling me about the blog. The revived memories have been astounding.
Thanks, Carl, for your time in putting this together.
Merry Christmas to all.
Carl, you're the greatest and Merry Xmas to all.
Joe C.
Carl, I feel guilty! Been getting more than a weekly newspaper without costing a dime. This is THE ACT OF LOVE keeping old men & women excited for over a year. I insist other friends store the BBB and enjoy. Henry and I are planning a NE loop real soon. Be a blast if we could at least meet for a meal (coffee?)? Aside from Thanks, do any of you remember the Christmas Day deliveries "some Baldwyn men" made to other men? Example, Mose Garret's Welding Shop? It usually had two parts.
Please add my DITTO to these appropriate comments. Carl, you've performed a real service to we long of tooth--thanks a bunch.
Merry Christmas and good health for 2009 to you and yours,
....a late MERRY CHRISTMAS Carl and many thanks for all the hard work.Having lived away from the area for over 40 years, the BBB has been an unexpected pleasure.
HAPPY '09 !
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