Thanks to those of you who have sent old photos, they are always appreciated.
Aaron and Linda - Dean on Main Street in front of Shellnut's - Cynthia and Betty - and:
Care to guess who is the pretty girl in the next to lower photo? We know.... and:
Who is Martha Jo's "admirer"??? We don't know....
Middle photos courtesy of Betty Massengill and Cynthia Mink. Top photo courtesy of Ellis Wayne Christian.
(before you correct me on where Dean is, remember that M. Gorden's in the background is across Main street.)
The scales in the background of Dean gives away where he is on his bike..I used to run down the street toward mother's shop and always jump on those scales..then on down the street running and try to jump up and touch the awning on the barber shop as I passed Hebert's dad store..Then one day I was able to touch that awning..a blue letter day..I thought I had got a lot better jumping,,but you know I bet I just got taller..
The girl in the next to last photo is very pretty. I remember the face, but have to guess her name. Shirley Scott?
Carl, how do you find so many old pictures with girls in shorts?
I don't think it is Shirley Scott but could it be Betty Smith Massengill's siter Shirley?
I wish to let u know that I was there the day Doug White proposed to Martha Jo-saw the whole thing-haha--please post this on your blog so people will know-Wayne Hill
Wayne, I was there the day you sat on the waste basket and got stuck! Remember?
My first thought was Shirley Smith.
"Carl, how do you find so many old pictures with girls in shorts?"
JUST LUCKY, I GUESS! Don't they look good! Keep 'em coming, folks... I really enjoy seeing how we used to look "back then" when we we had more hair and smoother midsections!
Shirley Smith is correct. Good job on the correct ID.
cynthia--i couldnt get stuck in garbage can now--would have to be one of those big commercial garbage containers--wayne-haha
does anyone have the idenity of the 5 guys in 1959 Bad Bunch photo
Could be Jackie Cole, Wyatt Weatherford and Buddy DeVaughn.
Jackie Cole, David Palmer, Buddy DeVaughn, Wyatt Weatherford, and Jerry Rowan
milton-are u sure that is david palmer? just doesnt look like him
Anon I'm pretty sure. David and I were neighbors in the late fifties and rode the school bus together and this is the face I remember.
To the person that wanted to know who was Martha Jo admirer was in the picture. He was Doug White.
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