I just found this. It's hard to see, but there is a sign sticking out from the front of the building that says "Shoe Shop" and you can see the rims of the chairs in the window where Robert Finger had a place for folks to sit while he worked on their shoes. If I recall correctly, the chairs had a chrome metal railing and the seats and backs and armrests were a maroon or burgundy color. That memory just hit me when I saw this picture. The building was originally Orr's Cafe.
Mr. Finger's shoe shop at one time was located under the bank building (Farmers and Merchants Bank) and after he left there a Mr. Boggs had a shoe repair business in the same place (or do I have that backwards?)
I remember Mr. Finger had a Dodge pickup truck to commute in. He gave me a ride one cold morning and I noticed he had a kerosene heater sitting on the floorboard hump, and it really felt good! - Carl
Thanks for posting, Robert. Some of us remember all that.
Mr Haddon was good businessman and could keep the tough hombres in line in the pool room without breaking a sweat.
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