A couple of photos from 1957 (top) showing some of the group from that time. Notice a fad that was popular then; Lanny has a watch chain and possibly Jim does, too. We wore them although some had a pocket watch and others kept their keys on the pocket end.
Wrist watches were getting cheap in those days and most people were getting them from Popeye's for under 20 dollars.
Can you recall the girls in the lower photo? The year is unknown. The faces are familiar still but names are beyond my recollection.
Submitted by Jim Greene.
Wrist watches were getting cheap in those days and most people were getting them from Popeye's for under 20 dollars.
Can you recall the girls in the lower photo? The year is unknown. The faces are familiar still but names are beyond my recollection.
Submitted by Jim Greene.
Looks like Linda and Nancy McCarthy.
The year was 1950...Hint that is a '49 Plymouth. Yes Anonymous is correct.
really, Jim G, that is a '46 - '48 Ford. The Ford emblem can be be easily seen. The '49 Fords and up were sleeker and lower.
The car is wrong but the year is right...says so right on the back of the picture...
Jim, is the older boy a McMillan?
My brother Billy, myself, Nancy and Linda McCarthy.
The older boy is Huse Wood
The guys in the top photo appear to be Lanny, Paul Jr, Jimmy G.,Jackie, and Huse Wood. Would be interesting to know why they are wearing girls coats!
We were just "cool man" real cool. We were just hippie wannabe's.
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