This photo was posted previously but was a faded newspaper copy. This is a better photo.
There were four chairs in this shop.
Bill (Billy Bob) Lampkin sent the photo and the following info:
The first chair, which doesn't show, is empty. Martin Jordan, from Blue Springs only worked on Saturday. (This was about 1944.) The second chair is Cecil Lytal. He later took the shop in the Henry Clay Hotel in West Point. His customer is Jim Barnett.
The third chair is Audrey Green. His customer and Jack's customer are brothers. (I am pretty sure their name is Gholston or Gholson.)
Audrey went to West point in 1952 to work with Cecil.
The fourth chair is Jack Lampkin.
Frank "Hambone" Stewart is leaning abainst the back mirrors.
Martin truck farmed and barbered in his house. Cecil ran the body shop at Prather Ford.
Audrey loved music and sang and led singing at revivals and taught singing schools.
Jack was a lay preacher and helped at Lebanon Methodist and Asbury Methodist and Wheeler Methodist pretty regularly. He taught boys' Sunday school and was scout master for over 30 years. He was awarded the Silver Beaver in 1947. He was a first class father, too, as his four sons' lives attest.
Bill Lampkin took the shop in 1950 and worked there until 1953. Gene Prentiss took Cecil's place, and in 1953, bought the shop.
Dayton Mink worked there in 1949 and 1951.
Click on image to enlarge.
Looks like Hambone needs to work on Mr. Jack's coustomer's shoes!
Cecil Lytal's son Billy has phd in English and teaches (or taught) at Mississippi College in Clinton. I believe his daughter Angela married Kenny Dill in West Point. He was Ole Miss footballer and later mayor of West Point.
Adrey Green had a son also named Audrey, I believe. They also moved to West Point. Young Audrey majored in Accounting at MS State but I don't know where he went after that.
I vaguely remember young Audrey, and have wondered what became of him.
As far as Mr. Jack, I recall him as having been a scout leader. I heard that he was the best at The "O"Grady says" marching drills (remember them?).
I was in Troop 33 from about 1952 until 1955. At that time, Edwin Johnson was Scoutmaster, and several others including Barry Henderson assisted. There were others but I cannot recall who.
Those were fun times, especially when Henry Outlaw dressed as an Indian and scared the dickens out of us in the woods over on Barnett's Hill.
If those are the gholston's and they look like them, the one in the grandaddy Jack's chair looks like Doug who was the manager of the Baldwyn co-op and was also a farmer. I dont recognize the other one but I believe it might be the brother that was a professor at MSU because he does not look like the other brother, Bullock Gholston. I may be off base but, they do look like Gholstons. I worked for Doug in the summers during my college years, great man great family.
by the way, milton nanney, i believe was at one time in possession of one of the chairs shown in the picture.
Thomas that sure looks like Douglas Gholston. His professor brother was Lafayette Edwone Gholston. And besides Samuel Bulich there was a brother James Marvin Gholston killed in 1945 during WW II.
I'll add my opinion....that's Doug(my former meighbor and scout-master) in the center and "Bullock" on the end....
No, I married Billy Busby who was Chief of Police. My husband, Billy was Chief of Police when Dill was elected Mayor of West Point. I attended college at Mississippi College and taught school for 36 years in West Pont.
My brother, degree was in Speech, and communication. He was a professor at Mississippi College, over the communication a dept, over their radio station. He was a motivational Speaker, took students to study in London.
Audrey Green had 2 children. Audrey and Betty. Audrey moved from West Point. He had cancer and passed away as a young man. Betty taught school. She had one son. She also passed away.
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