Top: A photo of some Baldwyn Boy Scouts. This might be around 1959.
Adults are Charles Morris (R) and Thomas Lampkin (L). They were very committed scout leaders for a number of years. Scoutmaster (front right) is Bro. Byron Nowak.
Back row L-R: Butch McCarthy, Jerry Ozbirn, Tommy Gamble, Jerry Enis.
Front row L-R: Junior Christian, Larry Franklin, Gordon McCarley, Jimmy Joyner, Tony Hendrix, Kenneth Lauderdale, and Andy Enis.
Lower: Nobody we have talked to recalls what these models of farm structures were used for, or who may have built them. Any help on that will be appreciated.
Sitting is Herb Spivey (R) and Bobby Gene Gamble.
Standing L-R: Instructor C. Q. Hoover, James Robinson, Ted Roberts, and Bonnie Ray Whitehead. Taller boys are L-R: Billy Owen, Bill Hogue (?), Milford Gamble, Gibson Lee Billingsley, and Herman Blankfield.
Photos and information submitted by an anonymous reader.
These scouts are Boy Scouts; Cub Scouts have blue uniforms with yellow scarfs around their neck. This picture was taken in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church of Baldwyn. The short man that was on this picture was the Scout Master; Byron Novak. He was the minister for the Presbyterian Church at that time.
Jerry Enis, top row, not Fredrick.
Thanks for the correction, Anon 7:49. Sometimes we make a mistake and honestly appreciate the comments that allow us to stay factual.
The years make a lot of difference in memory!
Herbert Lynn was a wood worker and a good one. Maybe he made those cool farm models.
Mr. Lampkin was my favorite scout leader. He was helpful, friendly, and really knew how to make a "scouting outing" a lot of fun.
It was at a Boy Scout meeting that Bill Weatherford got his nickname BUZZARD. We were picking names for our patrols and someone suggested we call ourselves the Eagle patrol. Bill suggested that we call it the Buzzard patrol. Thanks to Phil Gorden the name stuck. Been Buzzard ever since!
Charles Morris took this group of scouts to Lebanon Mountain for an overnight camp
out. Charles's in-laws Mr. Callie and Miss Carrie Mae Mccary owned some land up there. Gordon McCarley wanted me to go and help them; so I did. That was a lot of fun. Most of the scouts didn't sleep because they thought there was mountain lions up there.
The one Scout that really stands out in my mind was Jerry Osborne. He took a "large box" of food that he got at his mother's store; in case he got hungry. The box weighted at least 50 pounds. I was full of pork and beans, vienna sausages, and a variety of different soups. Jerry also wore his pajamas. I can see him right now sitting by the campfire in his pajamas eating pork and beans. I don't think that Jerry ever went to sleep that night.
In the picture of Mr. Hoover and the shop class, the guy sitting across from Herbert Lynn Spivey is Bobby Gene Gamble.
In the photo of the scouts this was troop 33. the troop was established in the 20's I believe, by my grandaddy, Jack Lampkin one of the first troops around. He remained the SM for many years. Brother Novak was the SM at one time but he is not in this picture. The shorter man in the photo is my daddy Thomas Lampkin. He was way taller than Brother Novak. He and his wife were midgets. Jerry Enis is in the top row and freddie is in the bottom row standing at attention. Andy and I were in at the same time and this photo must have been right before we joined.
I don't remember anything about these models. Someone in Bladwyn probably made them but I don't remember who.
The woodworking shop at BHS could have made those minature buildings. Under Mr. Howard we made everything from desks to hatracks and small things also.
Something about the scout photo was really bothering me until I read at the very bottom of the accompanying information that it had be "restored and modified". There was apparently some very affective "cut and pasting" achieved with no tell-tell lines or ghost imaging. What caught my attention was Charles Morris' head is about 20 to 30 percent larger than the others,even though he appears to be behind everyone else. Great job Clarene!
Believe it or not, the head is the same size....I just cloned it to a different position in the photo. I did not re-size it at all. Thanks Phil....maybe I need to work on my technique some more.
Top picture: Is that not Billy Ray Dobbs second from left?
What is my friend Bonnie ray Whitehead doing these days; and where is he?
Clarene, this is not intended as a slight to your artistic skills, I'm simply offering a personal view.
An old photograph is a "witness to history", I would never impugn the integrity of an old photo.
Repairing and enhancing is one thing but altering history, especially for publication, is another.
Love your poetry.
I believe that there needs to be a correction about some alleged incident involving Brother Nowak. This incident that is referred to did not happen to him but to a preacher at the Methodist church, that was caught in an inappropriate situation at the lee county court house. A state law enforcement officer from baldwyn that was privy to the information told it in Baldwyn and it spread like wildfire. I was a member of the Church at that time and we were all both shocked and appalled at the incident. We lived next door to the "Nowak's" and never heard of anything with him. What I have stated above is a fact and not rumor. I feel sure that there was some confusion on the identity of the preacher and it was not malicious in any way but I feel a correction needs to be made.
Thank you for the correction, Thomas. I can understand that the many years that have passed can cause errors to be made in matters such as that.
I certainly appreciate all comments, corrections, and suggestions that you readers put here.
Remembering olden times is fascinating; but sometimes we might a fact or two incorrect which is natural.
Thanks for re-posting the original photo of Charles Morris and the scouts.
I am in the scout picture and spent the night on Lebanon Mt.. I also went snipe hunting.. I do not remember the story about Jerry O, but, I bet I know who made the comment.
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