Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Bearcats Football Clippings

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Some old clippings from the Baldwyn Weekly News we thought you might like to see. I restored them as best I could, getting the yellowed pages to black and white.

I would guess the dates at 1954-57.


Submitted by Betty Smith Massengill.


Anonymous said...

Maybe 1955???

Anonymous said...

Well, I think 1956. Where is Jack Christian these days?

Anonymous said...

Jack and Mert graduated in 1954 so this would probably be 1953 football season. Jack passed away in CA - see list of deaths on this blog and search for him.

Love the photos.

col. reb said...

Please put more old sports clippinggs like this on the blog. Sure like to see them. Do you have any of the pee wee players from 1952?

Anonymous said...

I was in the fifth grade when Aaron Weatherford was blowing and agoing on the football field; he was my hero then and is still my hero! Thanks Aaron for what you did for the Bearcat Football Team and School.

Carl Houston said...

Col. Reb asked:

Do you have any of the pee wee players from 1952?

Sorry, no, Colonel. How about you readers? If you have a photo or clipping of that team, please send it and it will get posted. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think Ellis Wayne and Aaron were tied that year in points,,I could be wrong but Bill Ross with the Tupelo Journal called them the touchdown twins..


E Christian said...

In the Fall of 1955, Aaron scored 91 points for the "Bearcats" football team. I came in second with 87.


Anonymous said...

Ellis What was the point counts for 1956 season?