Top photo: The Victor Davis home on North Second street, just past the Baldwyn Garment factory (Blue Bell) on a snowy day. About 1947.
Center: The Caldwell bus station and gas station on old US 45 and West Main about 1981.
Lower: The Caldwell clinic and First Baptist church as seen from in front of the old tabernacle. The playground equipment was left there for many years after the downtown school burned. About 1946.
Top and lower photos from Clarene Evans. Center photo from David Heflin.
Great pictures and I have encountered people all over Mississippi who, when learning I was from Baldwyn, would ask me about Lucian Caldwell. He was another character.
My two remembrances of Lucien Caldwell are as follows. First, one time was when Mama was putting me and my little brother on the bus to go to my Grandmother Evans' in Mobile,Ala. for a visit. Mr. Lucien asked Mama if she was real sure she wanted us traveling that far alone. Mama of course said yes since there were no bus changes to be made and my grandmother would be meeting us at the station there. He just said, "hummmmpt, OK then, come on inside and buy the tickets."
Second, I was sitting at a table in Mildred's Drive Inn eating a burger and he came in and sat down at the table next to me. When Mildred came over to take his order he just ordered a bowl of hot water and some crackers. When it was brought to him he added ketchup from the bottle on the table and made himself some tomato soup. As I remember he only paid 10 cents for the hot water and didn't even leave a tip. No wonder he had money!
When did the downtown school burn? 1946?
I think the school burned before 1946. I remember crying when we heard the building was on fire because I was supposed to start to school and I didn't think there would be a school anymore. I started to school on my sixth birthday in 1943 and our class was in the CCC barracks. Mrs. Irene Mauldin was my teacher.
The downtown school burned in 1942. A photo and story of the fire is on this blog, posted on April 14, 2008. Refer to that date to view the article and photo, or search the blog using the term "school fire".
Does anyone have pictures of old Caldwell hospital. My brother in law was born there. Corner of 45 and main street
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