From Edwina Carpenter:
Anyone who would like to volunteer for 2 hour shifts at the Brice's Crossroads Visitor's Center on Saturday and Sunday, June 13 and June 14, between 9-6, please email me with the time you are available to:bcr@dixie-net.com
145th Anniversary Reenactment/Living History Schedule
Battles of Brice’s Crossroads and Battle of Tupelo June12-14
Friday-Sunday: Demonstrations and Programs at Spectator area behind Log Cabin includes Civil War music, field hospital, Engineering in the Civil War, Artillery and Infantry Demonstrations all day
Saturday and Sunday- Activity tent will offer programs/demonstrations
Friday schedule:
5 a.m. Tactical no spectators
10:30 Children’s Discovery Day at battlefield-visit camps, demonstrations, music
1:00 campfire meal for discovery day participants
1:45 return to museum
3:30 Tactical- no spectators
7:30 p.m. Parade of Troops,Downtown Baldwyn, Main Street
Drum corps, presentation of Colors, Cavalry, Infantry
Shop Baldwyn, Stores will be open late, view Civil War art
8:15 p.m. Officer’s reception , Period music performed by "Time Was"
at Azalea Court with light refreshments--Public Invited
Saturday, June 13
Camps open 10-1 and 3-6
9-10 –Civil War Cavalry Competition, mounted and dismounted, at field behind log cabin
1p.m.-4 p.m . North Mississippi Dulcimers will perform at Modern Vendor area
Activity Tent Program Schedule
9-10 a.m.-Civil War Music- Pat Arinder
10-11 a.m. Ladies Tea and sewing lessons- Pat Burkhead and Lisa Hamby
11-12 - Battle of Brice's Crossroads-- Pete Christopher
12-1 ‘Able Streight Raid’ Brent Lokey
2 p.m Battle of Brice's Crossroads reenactment
3:30-4:30 - Chickasaw Chief Tishomingo -Carmon E. Horner
4:30-5:30 - Marking the Confederate graves at Bethany Roger Hansen
8 p.m - Grand Ball period music /civil war era attire--Public Invited
Sunday at Activity Tent Camps open 11:30-1
10:30-11:30 Period Church -Dedication and Memorial Service for Soldiers
11:30-12:30 Battle of Tupelo- David Wilson
12:30-1:30 Brent Lokey “ Forrest at Johnsonville”
2 p.m. - Battle of Tupelo
Any Bearcats coming should try to get together for at least some short meeting somewhere in the Baldwyn area, let us know.