Carl, this is a rather special picture for me. My mom is Sarah Copeland, seated to the right of Hoyle Palmer, the only male in the class.
This is the entire 1944 Eaglewood School class. Eaglewood was located between Brice's Crossroads and Highway 30 and slightly west of the current road. The building is gone but the site is still there and we located it last spring.
My Mom would be pleased if you posted this one.
The names are all maiden names written on the back of the photo. Front row L to R is Marie Steele, Edith Owens, Hoyle Palmer, Sarah Copeland (Miller), Maxine McGee and in back is Cynthia Bula and teacher Mrs. C. E. Patch.
From Jim Miller. Anyone else remember this little school?
Jim, I was born near Brice's Crossroads and was not familiar with Eaglewood, thanks for sending that in.
Hoyle must have considered himself one lucky fellow!
I'm assuming the site is in Union County, wonder if any photos of the old school exist? mc
Didn't Mrs. Patch come to Baldwyn First Baptist church back then???
Wow!! What a sharp looking group. I don't remember this school but I would guess Bobby Hamblin would know something about it.
Jimmy--thanks for that photo--Hoyle is a good friend of mine now--and i think he still considers himself lucky--as well he should--he is a great guy
hey--i just remembered--Marie Steel in the photo is now Marie Boone--and a super sweet lady from out Jericho way
and another comment--Maxine Mcgee later became Mrs Sap Rowan--she is another Classy Lady!!!
someone correct me if i am wrong--but i beleive Mrs Patch was wife of Rev Patch (Dan-maybe)--and they owned a farm east of Bethany about where Henry Hutchinson lives now--my parents lived on the PATCH Place & were married by the Reverand Patch in Dec 1940--he did a good job cause i was born 9 mos & 24 days later/haha
Did Rev. and Mrs. Patch have a son named Wallace?
cant remember if preacher was Dan or Wallace--but those two names were correct to be attributed to either father or son-(oh-Dan Patch is not to be confused with the race horse of the same name)!!!
Someone Help Me Out--im sure Cynthia Bula was probably a sister of George Howard Bula & i probably know Edith Owens--but am drawing a blank??
I don't recall hearing of Eaglewood School when I was growing up at Brice's Cross Roads, but I'm wondering if it became East Prentiss elementary school, which I do recall from the 1950s.
Bobby, there was an East Prentiss School but it was on the other side of the county in the Marietta direction.
And there was a South West Prentiss School which my mother attended back in the thirties, prior to when this photo was made. I think the building has been moved and still exists. mc
Wayne Hill can tell us about SW Prentiss School since he went there.
Yes, it was SW Prentiss I was thinking about. I never was any good with directions. Hugh Mays Hill, my boyhood playmate, went to SW Prentiss, where he was a fine basketball player playing on the outdoor court. He went on to Guntown school from there, lived in Guntown the rest of his life, I think.
Wayne Hill here--who out there knows that i went to SW Prentiss?? yeah - most of us in Ingram community went to SWP - lot of us are still close--so what would yall like to know?
Wallace Patch was Rev. Patch's son. He was one of the little boys at my 4th birthday party.
I remember when Wayne and the Roberts came to Baldwyn School, Wayne's 7th grade maybe. They must have gotten a pretty good education at SWP. I believe Dave Heflin's mother taught there for awhile. How many teachers and how many grades, Wayne.
Joe C.
SWP was PRIMMER thru 8th(so actually 9 yrs)I began school at Geeville-(thats another story-ha)--during my tenure at SWP-part of 2nd & part of 3rd--then later part of 5th & 6th--teachers were --MR Gene Waters-MRS Lillian Waters--Mrs Ellen Ford & Miss JakeyLee Epting--dont remember Mrs Heflin-Wayne
Sorry to hear that Maxine McGee Rowan passed away yesterday May 16, 2009. She will be buried next to Howard "Sap" Rowan at Jericho Cemetery on Monday....mc
My sister Mildred (Mrs. J.C. Morris) says she attended Eaglewood School for part of one year. She remembers all the people in the photograph, says they were two years behind her in school. She says the school was a two-room building and was consolidated into the Jericho school.
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