You may have seen these photos in the header area before, but they need to be posted to preserve them and to provide access to them at any time.
TOP: Boy Scouts from Troop 33, Baldwyn preparing for a long truck ride to a campout, I believe at Camp Yocona. David Gentry on fender; L-R Wallis Nelson and Herb Spivey, Grover Thomas, Tom Shellnut, Win Johnson and his dad, Scoutmaster Edwin Johnson. In truck is John Allen Lampkin behind Larry Johnson (tipping hat), Henry Outlaw, Ted Love, Charles Weatherford, and Phil Gorden. M. Gorden was lending the company truck.
CENTER: Clockwise - Rachel Christian, Opal Stovall, Carl Houston, and Becky Christian(?). I believe that is correct, and that was made about 1951-52. Need an ID on the toddler in front of Rachel and any correction if these are wrong, please.
Photo made looking North on West Main street, now Ripley Road. It appears to be near the Easter season and baskets with eggs are being held by some.
BOTTOM: Carl Houston (left) and Arch (Duke A.) Young pre-flight checking the Young's 1947 Cessna 140. Made at the South end of the old grass airstrip looking East.
It is (and I guess, was) a felony to use an aircraft for illegal acts, but we didn't realize that while using it to fly around Twenty-mile canal finding watermelon patches to raid at night and to map out the best getaway roads....
We didn't do that now, did we, guys?
Top photo courtesy of Wallis Nelson. Others from my collection.