Some readers have asked about individuals that are not in the earlier posted photo below, so here is an additional photo with others pictured. Notice Jim "Smooth" Agnew, Carlos White, SSG Miles Donahue, SSG Paul Hamblin, and several others that need to be identified.
Some have asked about the person in both photos who is holding the guidon. It is SSG Dudley Dyer. In the above photo, holding the flag extended is 1SGT J. C. Morris.
There is another cook behind Leroy Chism who I can't ID.
This unit, the 1-108th Armored Calvary Regiment, was moved to Baldwyn in the mid 1950s and was quartered in a new armory just west of the Blue Bell factory on US 45 north. Prior to that, it had meetings in the second floor room of the main street post office, and before that, a truck from Tupelo picked us up and transported us to Tupelo for Monday night training meetings.
Commanded at this time by 1LT Richard Arnold, front left, it was composed of many WW2 veterans.
I started my military career with this unit in 1956, and can recall many of the soldiers pictured here.
On the front rows I can recall Bobby Hamblin, Ivo Bernard, Pat Nelson, Dud Dyer, Carl Martin, Dennis Meek, J. C. Morris.
Others in the ranks are Dewey Chism, Virgil Buse, Charles Brigman, Carl Johnson, Henry Outlaw, John Olan Cunningham, James Elder Richey, Hulon Cox, Bobby Corbett??, Johnny Massengill, and several others of whom I can't recall the names.
The cooks (in whites) are Bernis Lewis, Leroy Chism, Doug Pruitt, (I cannot recall the cook behind Doug).
This photo is from annual training at Camp Shelby, MS in the summer of 1957.
Photos courtesy of Betty Massengill.
Irven Milton Morgan front row between Pat Nelson and the flag holder. He was a WW II veteran (Iwo Jima) and also a Korean War veteran (wounded in 1953). mc
Also Charles Wetherford and Billy Adair.
Looks like Jimmy James with cigarette, 3rd row on the right next to cook Leroy Chism. mc
others i recognize--top row 4th from left--carl williams-10th from left-jd roberts-----2nd row down--10th fm left may be ed kesler?? 3rd row down--4th from left BJ Copeland-10th from left Gerald White
Good photo! Didn't you just love those long sleeve khaki shirts in the summertime?
I finally found Hulon Cox in the photo. Top row, right?
What ever became of him???
Hulon was killed in a car wreck around 1960, I think. His brother Pat worked for State Tax Commission and lived in Jackson area.
TMG, Hulon is the one in the top row, 3rd from right.
I lost track of him, also. Sorry to hear he wasn't around long. He was an extremely likable and funny guy.
Is Jim Agnew in this picture?
Phil C
Posted the additional photo to satisfy your inquiry, Phil. Thanks.
This is all of the photos of this kind we have.
is it mickey yarborough behind leroy?
Carl, Did you notice that the guy on the extreme left standing on the first row of the bleachers has one rank on his sleeve and a lower rank on his helmet? He must have just gotten promoted and hadn't had time to pick up the new chevrons for his helmet!
Phil C
hulon was my first cousin-was killed in auto acident in early 60's--pat was not his brother--his brother is billy -who lives at marietta & sister aileene roberts lives at alpine
From Top Row -new pic-Jim Agnew-Bobby Corbett-Stanley Miller-??-Charles Donahue-Johnny Massengill-??-Dewey Chism--2nd -??- Carlos White-Charles Weatherford-Hulon Cox-??-Irven Morgan-??-Doug Pruitt-3rd-Gerald White-J.O. Cunningham-Miles Donahue-Dennis Meek-James Elder Richey-Billy Joe Copeland-??-4th-James Dickerson-J D Roberts-Pat Nelson-Paul Hamblin-??-??-Leroy Chism-Front-Richard Arnold-Dudley Dyer-JC Morris--help me fill in ??'s & correct any that may be wrong-thanks
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