Shown above are some photos from blog readers.
Drs. Christian and Caldwell are shown having a streetside talk apparently in front of Tom's Drug Store. This will be in the era of the early to mid 1940s.
The serviceman in the photo is Randall Estes. We believe he is the unfortunate lineman who lost his life by electrocution near Dr. Shirley's dental office. What a bummer that was, after safely serving in WW2 in combat.
Seated on the curb of downtown Baldwyn is (left to right) - Clarene Evans, Olga Corbett, a former BHS teacher, and a Mrs. Mears?? The time is late 70s and during an Okeelala Festival which was then held downtown before moving to Latimer Park.
Photos from the Marie Evans collection and others.
Clarene-the lady with Olga Corbett is MS Effie Glover--for someone who thinks they know SO much--u get SO much wrong!!!
Nice photo of the good docs and Clarene is in flower power form as well. :)
Dear Anonymous, Let me give you a basic lesson in manners. A far more polite way of making your point about the identity of Ms Glover would be: "Clarene, thanks so much for this and the many other interesting contributions you make to this blog. I know that I, along with many others enjoy them. However, I believe the lady on the right of Ms Olga is Ms Effie Glover."
See how much nicer that sounds!
Phil C
The identity of the lady was my opinion, since I wrote the article. I was throwing out an invitation for a positive ID, and however nice or not it came I thank you, Anonymous and Phil.
I will have to depend on both of you again in the future, I feel sure. Half a century dims my recollection of who is who.
Ditto Phil's comment.glo
Well spoken, Phil C.
We are so glad to get any trivia and a big thank you goes out to anyone who offers anything for the blog.
Any mistake can be sorted out without animosity.
Thx for all the comments guys and may I add, it sure is fun to KNOW who is posting, I enjoy knowing my friends are still out there, cause they are the BEST and I'm very PROUD to be a part of it all---may we all continue to remember the best time in history to be alive--
John Melvin Duke :O)
Carl, I don't recall ever hearing about a lineman getting electrocuted. But I do remember pool hall stories of a man falling to his death during the construction of the water tower which stood behind the old city hall/jail. Does anyone remember who he was, if its true, the time frame, or the circumstances surrounding the incident?
Phil C
Good morning gang, in reply to Phil, I don't remember the water tower event however I do remember the lineman accident only too well, as a young boy I could not believe what was going on, I was there with my dad and many other people-- it happened in front of Dr Bryson Shirleys' office across from the Boy Scout hut, I think there may be others on this blog who were there also-- it was a tragic event, one that I will never forget.
John Melvin
I can remember the accident involving Randall well. The linemen had been changing out street lights most of the day and this was their last one. They were required to wear rubber gloves but because this was the last one Randall chose not to wear his. The bulb broke and the rest is history. The electric arc knocked him from the pole and he fell. He was alive when he hit the ground. The other linemen gave him artificial respiration for hours and they even brought in a respirator but about 6:30 pm they finally determined that he had died. The electric arc knocked him off the pole but the fall killed him so we were told at the time. We as kids watched from across the street from the ole scout hut. I even remember James Nanny saying that he told Randall to put on his rubber gloves and his safety belt but they were in a hurry as dark or quitting time was approaching and he did not do it. James Nanny and Pete Cole were the other two line men on the scene at the time.
Jim G
I for one appreciate J Melvin's comments about friendship and growing up in great period.
Joe C.
As a little girl growing up at the Baldwyn Water Company with my grandparents, I remember Randall well and remember the day he died. He had bought me and my little brother an ice cream cone earlier in the day at Al's Cafe just down the street. This was something he did quite often. His death was the first one I can remember that touched me personally. I couldn't have been very old at the time but this remembrance has brought back the memory as if it was just yesterday. Guys, thanks for sharing your story with us and Jim G. thanks for your recollection as well. These good comments only serve to make our blog the best place to visit and remember. Thanks Carl for all your hard work.
I vaguely recall some talk of a person falling from the first (old) water tower, but I also have no information about it.
I have looked very hard for a photo that I have of Baldwyn long ago and the water tank was completely made of wood. Of course all of the Bearcats from the 30s on remember it was metal.
I just love the old photos of Baldwyn street scenes and folks. Please keep them coming!
That was not calerene It was gail coggind dillard i think
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