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Pictured is the program for the 1949 piano recital.
Also pictured is the original article in the Baldwyn Weekly News of an assembly program from around 1951.
In our generation, "womanless" weddings were a good source of fun and were seen quite often. The last one I saw was in New Orleans in the late 80s at our Shrine convention.
Jo Carolyn had fortunately saved the clipping in her scrapbook. Remember this event?
A program of nuptial music by Waldeene Bishop, Mary Jo Dillard, Janie Martin, Shirley Smith, Jo Carolyn Anderson, Jeanette Gentry, Jo Anne Duncan, Dean Stovall with Gail Coggins at the piano preceded the clever wedding rites that joined the winsome See-Saw Heflin and the gallant Jap Reynolds in the shackles of ball and chain last Wednesday in assembly.
The family, consisting of Billy Dillard, mother of the bride, Archie Hall, mother of the groom, in various states of weeping and glee, entered first. To the strains of the wedding music, came the "graceful" maids, Jimmy Baxter and Alfred Michael, dressed in long formals of rainbow hues and carrying hand bouquets of azaleas.
The groom, together with the "portly" preacher, Bob Christian, who carried his Montgomery Ward catalog importantly under one arm, entered with the best man, Douglas Herring, and waited a little fearfully at the improvised altar. The entrance of the flower girls, Billy Hamblin and James Herring, was impressive.
Looking quite startling in a draped white wedding gown and wearing big brown brogans, SeeSaw Heflin entered on the arm of "her father", Mose Garrett, who a little too gladly gave the bride away. The bride also carried a lovely hand bouquet.
The only hitch in the ceremony came when the minister asked if anyone objected to the union and the brave little groom piped up that he did. One good wallop to the jaw from the non too lily white hand of the bride silenced him and Mr. Christian continued with the ceremony. After the vows were exchanged, Miss Coggins played the recessional and the entire wedding party promenaded gaily down the aisle.
-Submitted by Jo Carolyn Anderson Beebe
(Some spelling corrected from the original newspaper wedding article)
I really enjoy the memorabilia that you all are coming up with these days. My memory was jogged regarding the Womanless Wedding - I know I was there. The piano recital must have ended at midnight if it started at 7:30 but I'msure it was a great experience for all - almost 60 years ago.
I have just got my composure back, so I'll say that must have been the funniest thing in the entire school year at the time. Wish I could remember it.
What did Fay Coggins do after school?
This my first time to write a comment, hope I do it right. I am not a Baldwyn-ite, but courted several gals there in the 1950's, and played against those terrible Bearcats. I found this website and really enjoy it. I lived in Willis Heights in Tupelo.
The old memories of high school days are the best ones. We did such silly things, and to not be able to remember them is a sign of getting old.
I thank all of you for the things you are putting here. It sure is better than the "entertainment" that we have elsewhere these days.
Keep up the good work.
Thats' right, McClain. This is the first www place I check every day. I have been jogged in to remembering things I had forgotten for a half a century...
I saw where See -Saw passed away recently. What about Jap and the others mentioned in the clipping? I remember Billy Dillard and Mose Garrett, but haven't heard from them since HS. Any idea of their status?
J. Anderson
Some of the ones that are deceased are Mose Garett, Jap Reynolds (both within last couple of years), Billy Dillard, Norma Faye Davis and Edith Ann Gordon.
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