Old low priced cameras were not known for high resolution, so I apologize for this old photo. My scanner is digital, but couldn't revive this worn and faded image. It is in a somewhat usable condition and shows one of the more colorful characters in Baldwyn many years ago.
The casual clothing in this picture gave way later to a red and white striped coat, white trousers, white shoes and a straw hat with political stickers on it. He was an entrepreneur of sorts, and was always in town on Saturdays and special days when a crowd was expected.
How many of you can recall his name (or nickname), and more importantly his sales product(s)? (Careful, guys).
After close inspection of the photo we have determined that is not a cell phone in his shirt pocket, although it looks like one!
Most of you didn't have to guess the identity. The name spelling was correct, Mr. Jess McKissick aka "The Peanut Man". He sold a variety of items which have been mentioned. The peanuts were always parched perfectly, don't think I ever saw one too burnt.
It has been too long for me to remember his name. He was seen at the Booneville courthouse often. That was a busy place all the time.
Is he Jess McKissick, who sold everything from bubble gum to condoms out of that little basket?
Do you remember him opening his coat for the more choice items? He sold a little bit of everything.
I think that was his name, Mr. Jess the peanut man is what I remember. He might have sold a million parched peanuts in Baldwyn. I swept out the ritz theater one summer and I will testify to the amount sold by the carload of shells I cleaned up.
Jess died Jan 26, 1975 at the ripe old age of 91 and is buried in the Booneville cemetery.
If I'm not mistaken his son Luther taught welding at IJC Vo Tech for many years and had a welding business in Booneville.
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