Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Union Soldier Grave near Baldwyn

East of Baldwyn, near the Hopewell community, is a grave unknown or mostly forgotten by many Baldwynians. This grave is on the side of the road and was almost removed and relocated once due to being on a new right-of-way, but Charlie Murray Gordon who was supervisor at the time worked out a new route and left it intact.

For many years a mystery person decorated the grave, but was never identified. The grave is still kept cleaned and decorated by "concerned citizens" as depicted on the marker.

Thanks to Henry Outlaw for these photos, made on Okeelala Festival Day, 2011. Pictured are Henry and Doug Pruitt of Baldwyn. Sorry I failed to ID them previously.


Anonymous said...

That is Henry Outlaw and who?

Anonymous said...

Looks lik Douglas Pruitt.

Jo Carolyn said...

I've passed that grave many times on my way to visit my grandparents at Hopewell. It always intrigued me and somehow has remained in my memory.