Friday, February 19, 2010

Attention 1960 BHS Grads!!

After talking with several BHS '60 classmates, we have scheduled a planning session for our 50th Class Reunion for SATURDAY, March 20th, 2010, 2:00 PM at the PRATT SCHOOL LUNCH ROOM. The facility has been reserved for that date, please bring drinks and/or snacks for yourself and your wife/husband/date, etc. If you have the contact info for classmates other than the ones shown above, please either call or email that to me or contact the other classmates and let them know about the planning session and encourage them to attend. When contacting classmates who live outside the area and will not be able to attend the planning session, encourage them to give their opinions, suggestions, etc to be discussed.
Also, please be prepared to discuss your ideas, including the info below:
1) Date for Reunion(some have suggested having the reunion on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010 to coincide with the Okeelala Festival & Car Show).
2) Location for Reunion.(including food, etc)
3) Contacting all Classmates.(possibly forming a committee responsible for contacting everyone).
4) Mementos.(Classmate Bios, commemorative coffee cups, etc).
5) Forming committees responsible for each category.
6) Other ideas and suggestions.
Since the Pratt School has been reserved all day the 20th, I plan to be there early and probably will eat lunch at Agnew's, join me if you can.
Don McKibben

1 comment:

Don McKibben said...

Thanks Carl...I failed to state that we welcome ALL those BHS students who were part of the Class of '60, even though they may not have graduated with us. I also failed to add my email address:

Thanks again for including our announcement !