Upper: Clipping from the Baldwyn Weekly News showing 13 year old Mickey Yarbrough after serving as a page in the state House of Representatives.
Center: Mary Katherine Lindley as a GA officer. Young girl is unidentified. Photo from Betty Massengill.
Lower is one of the better photos of our famous old GM&O railroad depot in an already deteriorating condition in July 1967. Discovered and submitted by Milton Copeland.
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Is the little girl with Mary Catherine a Stovall?
God bless Tommy and the Carnes family. Sorry to hear about his death.
I think the little girl with Mary K. is Gina Prentiss.
I think it is Regina also.
If common sense had prevailed and money appropriated, we could have had a neat little depot museum. Simon's collection might have been prominently on display there.
The old depot was a busy place at one time and should have been kept in some manner.
Yep ya'll, it Gina Prentiss with Mary Catherine Lindley. Ain't she cute?
Mickey was a great guy. I was sorry to hear of his passing recently.
It was a big event for a train to stop and stay a while in Baldwyn. I remember quite q few per day with several passsengers.
Even when a train just roared through, we would stop what we were doing and count the number of cars and wait to see the caboose.
A military train with army stuff was always intriguing to see.
Mother tells me that when we lived on Latimer Street, she would stand me up in a cardboard box by the window to watch the trains go by. And when we lived down by the milk plant, I would wave to the soldiers on the troop trains. The depot was a magical place with people leaving to go on a short shopping trip to Tupelo or to strange places "up north" to begin a new life.
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