Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1963 Senior Trip

-click to enlarge-

Part of the '63 seniors on a trip. Others went to different places, but this was the main group.


Courtesy of Clarene Evans


Anonymous said...

Where did the others go?

Clarene Evans said...

I went to Columbus Air Force Base to visit my Uncle Cecil McVey who was stationed there with his family. I had a blast. Mama was 'scared' of the riots going on at the time and would not let me go to D.C. I never went there until 2003 when I escorted Joe Burns to a (BVA)Blinded Veterans of America Ceremony and got to see Pres. Bush lay the wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier.. Glad I waited until then.

Anonymous said...

There were many of the class that went to the Gulf coast because of the war protesters riots in Wash. D.C.

Anonymous said...

Well, I had a big time on the trip and in was my second trip to D.C. Does anyone know I am?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know I am what?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, left "who" out between know and I....