Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another First Baptist Church Member Photo

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This is the only photo I have out of dozens submitted that has both Heflin brothers in it. Also there are many faces here that are familiar that I can't recall names to put with.

This was made in the basement of the church, in the largest assembly/classroom there. That would be in the northwest corner.

Any help with names would be appreciated.

Photo: Ellen Mink


Duke said...

Front row, 2nd from right Genelle Grissom (Mink)--Joe Grissom's sister. I see "seesaw" and does anyone see "Mert"? :o) I think Bob Christian is on back row--

John M

Anonymous said...

Who is the guy standing next to Jimmy Baxter, and behind Lloyd, Jr. that is wearing the string tie?

Anonymous said...

Had to be 1954 because that was the only time so many people had full beards - for Brice's Crossroads 90th reenactment.

Back row: See Saw Heflin, Leland Roberts, Simon Speight, John O. Cunningham, Billy Hamblin, Bob Christian, James Herring, Bobby Herring, ?, ?, Hayden Burns, Dayton Mink, Jimmy Baxter, Aaron Weatherford.

?, Joyce Houston, Waldean and her sister one of whom married Wendell Harkey, Ronald Michaels, Mert Phillips, Mary Jo Dillard, Lloyd Heflin Jr., ?, ?

Bobby Grisham's sister, Juanita Melson, Betty Dillard, Ms Mallie McDonald?, Janel Grissom, Pat Love

Anonymous said...

I think that is a Cox between
Bobby Herring and Hayden Burns,,He owned the grocery store in Marietta for a long time..I can't remember his first name..


Anonymous said...

Jack Nanney sitting in front of Simon. Frieda Rogers' sister behind Pat Love???

Anonymous said...

Carl, Left to right, Row 1 Betty Lane Grissom, Juanita Melson, Sue McDonald, Mrs. Mallie McDonald, Genelle Grissom ____________________Row 2, Mrs. Louise Grisham, Waldeen Harkey, Janice Tarpley, Betty Dillard,_________________Row 3, Joyce Houston,___________Ronald Michaels, Mert Phillips, Robert Heflin____________ Row 5_________John Olan Cunningham, Bob Christian________________ ____________Hayden Burns, ________________Bill Weatherford, I think I am right, but age has changed lots, Hope this helps, Those people who were sitting behind others, I could not see, oops I missed Row 4 Jr. Heflin,. Simon Spight, Bobby Hamblin,______________ ______________ Jimmy Baxter, Well that just shows how you mind goes as you get older. Sue Downs Houston