Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mrs. Hallie Vandiver, Teacher

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Pictured above is one of my first and favorite teachers, Mrs. Hallie Vandiver, and a group of her students. This is the BHS class of 1965, and the photo is from about 1953-54. I (and most of the readers here) met her long before this photo was taken, and really had an admiration and respect for her.

Several of the kids in the photo have been ID'd, Clarene Evans got a lot of the names put to a face. Some of you may be in this photo!

Photo submitted by Robert Palmer, (right, in coat and tie). He writes: "Some of those moved, some went into First grade (remember Miss Hallie's class was called the "primer") so it got kind of mixed up after that."

Thanks Robert! Good photo and memories. Things did get a little mixed up after BHS!


Anonymous said...

Well, there's dear Miz Hallie! Bless her, thanks for the photo!
I met her first about 1946.

Anonymous said...

She was a great teacher! I was also in her class around 1946.

Anonymous said...

Where is Joe Cunningham when we need him? He is so good identifying people in photos. I think he is on a trip.

Anonymous said...

Second row, 5th from left, looks like Rachel Christian. Or could it be her sister?

Anonymous said...

I'm back but not much help on this group. Thanks for posting. It's is fun to try. From back row, I see a few: Steve Shirley, Dwayne Newman, Tony Hendrix, Micky Gentry, Phil Nanney, Thomas Carnes' younger brother, Paul Davis Yarbrough's younger sister, Judy Rutherford, Becky Christian, J.W. Chism?, Tommy Gamble (I saw him last year and he looks exactly like the picture), Joe Allen, maybe Peggy McElroy some place. Clarene knows many more, I'm sure.

Joe C.

Anonymous said...

Excellent photo, Robert. Enjoy seeing all this trivia...
I can't put a name to faces much either, but depend on you folks to make the photos come to life with a name and thought or story.
Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Charles Barber, fourth from left on front row???

Anonymous said...

Tommy Gamble and I ID'ed most of these. Front row, l to r; Unknown, Kenny Roberts?, Kenneth or Jessie Chism, Charlie Barber, unknown, Petey Hopkins, Tommy Gamble, unknown, Steve McGee, and Joe Allen. 2nd Row; Peggy Yarbrough, Virginia Lynn Brooks, unknown, Judy Rutherford,Becky Christian, unknown, Ruth Carole Prather, Mrs Eudy's daughter (couldn't remember her name,Judy Permenter, possibly Phylis Roberts, unknown, and Robert Palmer. Back row; Miss Hallie, unknown,Eddie Flanigan, Tony Hendrix, Kenny Gentry, George Heavener, Holland Ray Joyner, Jimmy Carnes, and W C Swinney?.

Phil C.

Duke said...

How are you all missing Amy Roland, (married Tommy Gamble) standing behind Tommy in the picture

John M

Anonymous said...

ok guys, best I can do is l to r:
Front row: Ronnie Floyd, Butch McCarthy ?, Kenneth Chism, Charles Barber, Edwin Johnson, Petey Hopkins, Tommy Gamble, Janice Holland, Steve McGee, Joe Allen

Second Row:Peggy Yarbrough, Virginia Brooks, Judy Rutherford, Becky Christian, Linda Bishop, Ruth Carol Prather,Connie Eudy or a Henderson girl, Judy Perminter, Anita Wesson?,?, Robert H. Palmer

Back Row: ?, Eddie Flannagan, Tony Hendrix, Kenny Gentry, Mack Heavener, Holland Joyner, James'Jimmy' Carnes, ?.

Duke said...

Well I said Amy and I should have said Melba Roland, she married Tommy Gamble-- (Amy is their daughter) Its just that Melba and Amy look soooo much alike--does no one else think that is Melba?

Anonymous said...

Correction to my earlier posting: Becky Christian Roberts straightened me out and was able to identify almost everyone in the picture.

Front Row, l to r: Unknown,unknown (not Kenny Roberts), Jessie Chism, Charlie Barber, Wynn (?) Johnson (son of the then editor of the Baldwyn News), Petey Hopkins, Tommy Gamble, Shirley Wilemon, Steve McGee, and Joe Allen.

2nd Row:Peggy Yarbrough, Virginia Lynn Brooks, Sandra Kay Michaels,
Judy Rutherford, Becky Christian, Linda Bishop, Ruth Carol Prather,a Henderson girl whose first name we couldn't remember, Judy Permenter, unknown, Markie Rutherford, and Robert Palmer.

Back row: Miss Hallie, Wayne Underwood Eddie Flanigan, Tony Hendrix, Kenny Gentry, George Heavener (Maxy was at least three years older), Holland Ray Joyner, Jimmy Carnes, and unknown.

I can't believe I didn't recognize Sandra Kay Michaels. When I was in 1st grade I thought she was the prettiest girl in the world, especially when she wore this little dress with doll heads on the pockets. Becky said her family moved to Alabama when they were in about 3rd grade. I had not thought of that girl in more than fifty years but when Becky said her name it all came rushing back.

Anonymous said...

sorry John Melvin, that is not Melba. It is Connie Eudy. Melba is not in the picture anywhere. If that is nsot Melba, then it is the Henderson girl that was a cousin to Judy Perminter.

Anonymous said...

Carl, this photo had to be taken about 1955 instead of 1965 because they are listed in the 1957 Bearcat annual as being the graduating class of 1966.Just so you would know.....

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Halley's husband was a very prominent doctor, and was well loved and trusted. He died in 1931 at the age of 48.
He was one of the biggest supporters and founders of Wheeler High School. He practiced in Wheeler for many years, but moved to Baldwyn to get a larger practice. He became sick and had several operations, but died and had one of the largest funerals in this part of the country.

Anonymous said...

How many of you can remember your grammer school teachers? I think I can. Mrs. Irene Mauldin, Miss Essie Ree Bennett, Mrs. Annie Belle Sloan, Miss Hortense Latimer, Miss Eugenia Mauldin, Mrs. Milton Bloodworth. (I went to school at Wheeler in 7th grade. Mrs. Clytee Barber was my teacher.)Back to Baldwyn in 8th and 9th grades.

Thomas Lampkin said...

The first one on the front row I believe is Red Ray can't remember his first name had a brother named Jimmy