Photo: Larry Johnson - click to enlarge
Can any of you recall what event this photo represents? Might be Mister and Miss BHS, Homecoming King and Queen, or possibly prom festivities, either junior or senior year. Sue, do you remember?
What beautiful ladies BHS Had!
Annual Beauty revue of probably 1954 or 1955 since See Saw graduated in 1955. Beauties are Dean Stoval??, Sue Cleveland and Edith Ann Gordon
Edith Ann played Indians and Indians with us behind Eddie Patton's house. I was pitted in a fight with the other tribe's selected warrior. She whipped me big time. I never lived it down;why couldn't it have been Joe Murray?
I confess! David Heflin
She whipped you (big time) really good! Look at the picture - she hasn't got a scratch!
I see in the memoriam column that Edith Ann is listed. What happened? So sorry to hear of that!
Sue R.
Can't recall Edith Ann's ailments but I know she ended up in Starkville, MS and passed away several years ago.
She had a reputation on south side of Baldwyn as being plenty tough - even Joe M. respected her in that regard.
Wonder what ever happened to their cousin Shelton??? who was deaf and dumb but always a live wire?
Edith Ann's cousin that was deaf was Charles Shelton. He is married to a woman that is also deaf. I think he has a child & lives in Tupelo.
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