The lower picture was made by someone standing in the intersection of 3rd and Main in Baldwyn. The buildings on the right are the downtown school lunchroom and the tabernacle. The burned out brick facade of the old downtown school still looms in the background.
The tabernacle was utilized for temporary classrooms after the fire. The building used for the lunchroom was brought in from another location. We think it came from a CCC camp or Camp Shelby, MS; was disassembled, brought by rail and put back together. This photo was probably taken about the first winter after the school building was destroyed. This (lunchroom) building was later used for a Boy Scout meeting area and also for tabernacle singers to assemble and practice before going to the stage.
The tabernacle was moved to a place further South later and I do not know its' fate. The Baldwyn post office is located on this property now.
The gentleman shoveling snow is Dr. R. B. Caldwell. A better view of the burned school wall is in the background.
These photos are lifted from a VHS tape of home movies by Claude Gentry.